Thursday, December 12, 2013

Limitations: The Fly Reaction Paper

Some things are better left untouched.

The film was off to a horrific start – the brutal death of a man. But then no matter how horrifying the start was, it was a good way of keeping the audience interested in finishing the whole film. Though it had a touch of horror, it was actually interesting. The story is unique indeed. It’s not the typical and cliché sci-fi film that most of us watch nowadays. Plus, it gives the viewers a brief yet concise background of life, particularly scientific life, in the 1950s.

It was depicted in the movie that Science is not yet as complex and profound during that time compared to today. Scientists have their own small laboratories in their homes and they struggle to create innovations that will contribute to the greater good of humanity. They wanted to take Science into a whole new level. And because of their ‘thirst’ to do this, they meddle with things that aren’t supposed to be meddled with.This is what makes the film a morality play. It is called a morality play for a reason – to provide life lessons for the viewers.

Science and Technology in the 1950s still had a very long way to go. So many things were undiscovered and were still unknown to mankind. This led to the desire of man to uncover the truth behind everything. And sometimes, this isn’t just enough. Like what was shown in the film, man acted selfishly – wanting to go to other places in a much easier way. It also shows that some of the things that caught the interest of man in the 1950s still remain a mystery until now.

The film was indeed very disturbing. It shows us that everything has its own limitations, even Science. It also tells us that there is a reason why things are in the exact way as they are, and it’s best not to meddle with them. Who knows what consequence you’ll suffer if you’ll do so.

Bea Cristine Ledesma

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