Thursday, November 28, 2013

GDayX Reaction Paper

            Last Saturday, November 23, a convention was held in Xavier School called “G dayX: Riding the Technology Wave,” in which several google representatives and ambassadors came and oriented people about the different facets of technology that have been developed and will continue to be improved, for business utilization.

            The first talk I attended taught me that YouTube does not only serve the purpose of entertainment, but can also be used grow and popularize one’s own business enterprise. The speaker, Trixie Canivel told us that google is much more widely used around the world, and in the Philippines, than most of us are aware of, being connected to almost every single social networking site online and the number 2 search engine in the internet. We were showed several examples of youtube channels not only selling products, but using these channels to build their own unique brand and developing rapport with their viewers.  This talk opened my eyes at the many uses of YouTube in marketing a product through online presence.

            Blogging, on the other hand, is all about directing traffic to your site, as the speaker of the next talk, Kring Elenzano, creator and writer on successful websites and, shared with us. The key to direct traffic to your blog is very simple: write well and write often. With more pages, there are more chances to be “shared” and more opportunities to hold influences over readers in order to market for your enterprise. She gives us the main advantages of the blogging platform. In creating awareness and sales, giving info to readers, and highlighting the specialties of your brand, keeping and maintaining a proper blog can yield several benefits. For Ms. Elenzano, she was able to partner with other businesses such a “Analog Soul,” and gain a following in Korea. Great writing, as time has proven again and again, is still a lucrative skill.

            In terms of safety, the last talk I attended definitely gave me the most important points. Speaker Aileen Apolo explains how google, in particular, Google Maps/ Google Earth, can mean the difference between life and death at a time of disaster and calamity. She brought up current technologies such as “person finder,” where google can locate a lost person using whatever it can retrieve from the google database, and google’s utilization of vector data, in order to map shelter locations, and other needed facilities. With crisis maps, the goal is to make urgent and basic needs accessible through geographical mapping. Our country needs such technology, as we are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. We have been ravaged by typhoons and will continue to be, and so it an uplifting thought that such advancements are being used to prevent catastrophe.

                                                                                    Redentor E. Claudio


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